Thursday, August 11, 2005

My Lil Corporate Chronicles

Last day of work will be 9/1/05.
Amazing enough the dumb fucks keep piling on the work. Later days dudes. OK had meetings with the CEO and the President. sounds really big but hell it is only an 80 man engr firm. The CEO was cool the President kinda pissed me off. "Uh well G I'm worried about U. You know your entire deferred compensation allocation becomes taxable as soon as you leave the company" Yada yada I just don't think he is talking in my best interest. The IRS has changed things???? His solution is for me to take a leave of absence until the first of the year then offer my letter of resignation to the Board. That way the deferred compensation isn't taxable next fiscal year. The problem with that solution is, that it delays my noncompete clause for another 4 months. meaning I can't do any engineering work in Alaska until 1/1/08. He's pretty slick .I just can't help but think the company will have to pay me the goods if I'm taxable. At the least by back the 850 shares of stock I own when I leave or deal with me.
The real bull shit is now I need to see a CPA and/or a damn lawyer. I just want to quit this FUCKING JOB. SHIT why the fuck is that so hard. I swear if the bastards screw me outta my deferred compensation I'll shut the mutha fuckers down. Steal clients, steal staff, I'll take over their lame limited market share. On a lighter note the rumours are on the street...Out of the blue I got a cold call for a job interview tomorrow. wooo hooo. I pays to be fuckin good at what you do and to be a homeboy in your hometown.
P.S. I get to keep the laptop. addiction satisfied.

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