Tuesday, April 25, 2006

A Small Irony

Hiho all (for some reason I have been thinking of Kermit the Frog)

Anyway how about a Kwajalein update. OK first some parameters. I ain't gonna complain about work. It is a job, it pays, and I'm out here for the adventure. However, excluding job complaints does not let the Company nor location off of the hook. I will often reflect and narrate on those conditions.

Today's topic folks, is irony. It is all over and I'm really trying to keep the sarcasm from bursting out. I have had three different orientation session; EH&S orientation, New employee orientation, and Island orientation, all without a compass or GPS. I'm all orienteered out. Btw my GPS is so old the Marshall Islands don't show up on any view less than 500 miles. Looks like I need a new one lol. OK back to the topic. Bit of history, this was the site of Operation Flintlock, the battle of Kwajalein. Oh about 1945 the US pounded this place with artillery, we're talking mass tonnage of ordinance, soldiers landed and slaughtered the entrenched Japanese. In 1945 this place was leveled and has never recovered. There are big pits in the reef that were blasted out for material used to extend the island. The liberated coral was also used for the concrete aggregate used in almost all of the older buildings.

In addition, this is an active US Army installation, being the army brat; I have been on a few Army Post and AF Bases. The point is military installations are not green environmentally friendly spaces. OK here is the ironic part; they had a big Earth Day Celebration 2006 here. I look around and want to cry, my boyhood visions of Treasure Island have been trashed. I could see, Earth Day awareness, a small wake perhaps? But celebration plleeezzs. I need to get off this island and see some other atolls. The real deal, is most of the US activities are channeled to this, the Kwajalein Atoll. You need permission from the RMI (Republic of Marshall Island) to go anywhere else. Our security is so tight we also need to get passes and permission to leave and go anywhere else.

Here is my partial island adventure plan.

  1. Be quiet and not complain about the job. Yes G-Daddy will try to be a complacent worker bee. arrrgh is that bile I taste?
  2. Try to learn Marshallese, sigh I am not good at languages.
  3. Then hopefully I can go to Ebeye (pronounced E-bye) and make friends with folks from other atolls speaking Marshallese.
  4. Get to at least three other atolls.

Here is a final don't do if any of y'all get a job out here. Do not ask about radiation in the EH&S (environmental heath and safety) orientation. We are not suppose to mention that however, there are some RF hazards I have actually gotten a Marshall Island history white paper, from one of those orientations, that does not even mention that the USA set off 67 atomic weapons out here. The atolls of Bikini and Enewetak where evacuated. Five islands in Enewetak Atoll were literally vaporized. OK next time more on the Island Adventure Plan

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